Expectation of Student Athletes
It’s the expectation that student athletes will represent themselves as well as the school in their Athletic Activities as well as while on school campus. This includes being positive, productive, and professional with peers and staff.
Athletes are students first. Attendance is a critical component to education, and student-athletes need to uphold positive attendance. In order to participate in an Athletic Event, including practices, the students has to be on campus for at least four periods on the day of the event. Students who leave campus early for anything unexcused or illness will not be eligible to participate in the practice or Athletic Event that day.
Academic Eligibility
All student/athletes who wish to participate in an athletic activity at Glen Edwards Middle School must meet the following requirements:
- Have earned a 2.0 GPA and have no more than one “F” for the grading period prior to their participation and for each succeeding grading period during participation. (Incoming 6th graders use final 5th grade report card).
- Meet standards of satisfactory citizenship.
If a student/athlete is eligible at the beginning, and becomes ineligible during a season of sport because he/she is below a 2.0 GPA, he/she remains eligible but will be put on an Academic Contract where behavior and academic minimums have to be met.
Glen Edwards Middle School has insurance policies available for athletes to purchase who may not already have primary insurance. Forms are available in the office and insurance secured before participating. Athletes are responsible for holding their own insurance policies. Whenever an athlete is injured while participating on the school’s team, and is seen by a physician, has any test done or misses practices due to injury, the following procedure should be followed:
- Report all injuries to the coach as soon as possible.
- Obtain the doctor’s findings, restrictions, etc. in writing, and give these to the coach and administration.
- Athletes must be released by the physician in writing before resuming any practice or playing.
When using the school’s purchased insurance policy, contact the school office for a claim form, if necessary. Parents should only need one claim form per injury to be completed and mailed directly to the insurance company
Voluntary Athletic Contribution (VAC)
Each student athlete is requested to make a Voluntary Athletic Contribution as part of his/her participation in the Athletic Program. A voluntary minimum of ten dollars ($15.00) for each sport is appreciated. These funds will be used to help offset the expenses of our Athletic Program including but not limited to: equipment, league fees, uniforms, officiating and referees. Without these items our sports program cannot survive.
GEMS may solicit and accept donations from parents but it is important to understand that a VAC is voluntary and is not a requirement for participating in an educational activity, including athletics. If interested in supporting GEMS Athletics please submit the following VAC form to the GEMS office. Our students and athletes are thankful for any support you may be able offer.
VAC - (Voluntary Athletic Contribution)